Thursday, 11 February 2016

024 - Dreadnoughts on Parade

I really love collecting Dreadnoughts.They are one of the most original and iconic vehicles in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The idea that a Space Marine isn't just laid to rest but can be interred within an armoured sarcophagus so they can continue to fight is fascinating to me.
The flip side of the Chaos Dreadnoughts is also quite cool. Where the Imperial Dreadnoughts suffer tremendous pain all the time they see it as an honour to be able to carry on the Chaos Dreadnoughts hate it and after 10,000 years trapped in a metal box they have gone absolutely bonkers, having to be chained down while not in battle.
I'd thought I would share a few pictures of my ever growing collection of walking metal boxes!

First up my Space Wolves Dreadnought Talon:

This is the first Dreadnought I made for my 30k Wolves. It's based on the plastic Dreadnought kit. It was originally a Grey Knight Dreadnought but I re purposed it for the Heresy. I have a more in depth look at the rescue job here.

This one is based on the plastic Ironclad kit and is slightly more beefy than the other two Dreadnoughts in the talon. I went for the siege wrecker and close combat weapon and gave both arms heavy flamers. Very up close and personal!

The final Space Wolves Dreadnought has two close combat weapons. It is the old metal Bjorn model with the metal Furioso arms added. It weighs a tonne!

This is the Dark Vengeance Helbrute model. In my opinion it is a fantastic piece. It's so dynamic and looks so different to the old Chaos Dreadnoughts and also the Imperial ones. Like the other models from Dark Vengeance it has an amazing level of detail. I am quite happy with the paint job on this one.

This is the first of my Metal Chaos Dreadnoughts. I really like these models as they fit in brilliantly with the aesthetic of the Iron Warriors. They look brutal!

This is the second metal Chaos Dreadnought. They were both Ebay rescue jobs but I couldn't get the feet off without them being damaged so I ended up with a slightly sheepish looking 15ft killing machine

Finally this is my Contemptor Dreadnought from the Betrayal at Calth box. I decided to do a Word Bearers force for the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge. I am so pleased with the paint job. I think I put about six layers of red on some parts to get a smooth finish. I just hope the rest of the force looks as good as this!

So there you go. That was my Dreadnoughts on parade. I definitely have more to come in the future. Until next time!

Friday, 5 February 2016

023 - Refurbishing Dreadnoughts

I have recently been scouring my model collection for additions to my 30k Space Wolves army. I have found some good models that will be able to be used with my army , however some need a little more work than others.
One of the pieces I found was an old plastic Grey Knight Dreadnought. It was a Mk V Castraferrum  Dreadnought so I had a look to see if they were suitable for 30k. After a bit of research I found that the boxy models of Castraferrum Dreadnoughts were in use well before the Contemptor Dreadnoughts which was quite surprising!
As you can see the Dreadnought is firmly in a Grey Knights colour scheme:

I repainted the main armour panels and took off all of the purity seals as they didn't fit in with the rest of the army. I had to clear off quite a few mould lines and clean up a few bits where it hadn't been put together carefully. I added a few bits of wolf paraphernalia to spice it up a bit. I kept the original front panel as it looking very legion looking.
I was going to add a havoc missile launcher made from an old Whirlwind tank but felt it was a little too big for it!

I finished off the painting with a couple of red jags to break up the dull grey. After a little drama rebasing it I had one finished Dreadnought!

I really like the look of the model so I'm going to have a good look at adding a couple more so I have a full Dreadnought Talon. And after that possibly a few Contemptors if my wallet can take the strain!