Friday, 18 March 2016

027 - Warhammerfest!

Warhammerfest is coming to Coventry again after more than 18 months!

Due to the Wasps and Coventry City sharing the ground the schedule has been tighter so the event has been moved to May. Last time I went it was a really good event with quite a few different things to do and see. I much preferred the more chilled out pace of Warhammerfest than the urgent nature of Games Day.
They have the Golden Demon on Sunday. I'm don't really bother with it as its quite hard to see the models but it's a welcome addition nonetheless.
I really liked last Warhammerfest's seminars. I will attempt to go to the Heresy one and also see what other seminars are on. Other things to do include the White Dwarf area, Black Library and painting workshops.
There is also a large retail space with a ForgeWorld area, which is great as it means no postage!
So grab a ticket if you still want to go, it's awesome!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

026 - Freaking Warhounds!

I'll come right out and say it as it's no surprise for most people in this hobby. Games Workshop kits are amazing. They seem to get better year on year. They have extra bits to convert your models. The CAD design process has helped them get more detail on each sprue.  They are a cut above other models available.
However some kits are a little "meh".
I recently bought five plastic Warhounds off Ebay and then bought some of the new oval bases that have been released for Age Of Sigmar. Thinking they would be a quick project to get a small unit on the table which I could expand with a ten model box set if they were quite fun to assemble and paint I set to work.
The models were quite easy to put together but as they were in two pieces there was a line running straight down the centre of the model. I had similar problems with the fur lined capes of my chaos warriors with a massive gap in quite a prominent location. I had to get the sculpting tool  and green stuff and fill in the gaps. To be fair this is a slightly older kit and the more recent efforts from Games Workshop have slightly more clever  pieces so things like fur and armour detail are not interrupted by a injection mark or a mould line.
This is how they turned out:

With the Warhounds I got them finished in the end but it was definitely a case of  finish them to a decent standard and hope nobody looks too closely. It's not my best work but sometimes you just have to push through the pain barrier to get a unit done.

Monday, 7 March 2016

025 - Beastlord Addition

One thing that I really like about the Age Of Sigmar is the army selection. With most armies in 40k and 30k it is very structured but you can just choose what you want in Age Of Sigmar. it's quite liberating at first. I'm a big fan of the size of the armies. It makes it easy it to finish an army. You don't have to have  a certain points value in mind you can just say enough is enough.
With my Tzeench war-band I wanted to add some Beastmen. I was a big fan of the old Chaos army where you could add Deamons, Beastmen and Warriors of Chaos to a whole army. This was brought back in The End Times but can easily be adapted to Age Of Sigmar by just sticking to the Chaos faction.
I had a hunt on Ebay and found a bargain of a Beastlord. I think it makes a great hard hitting alternative to the more magic focused Tzeench heroes which will be in the Tzeench contingent of my Chaos army.
Here he is in all his beastly glory.

I quite like the pose of the model although the way the axe is positioned I had to paint the model in it's component parts. The colour scheme is a little wacky but I wanted the skin tone to match the Tzeench Sorcerer Lord that I have already painted.
I am already looking at adding a couple of Beastmen units to the army as the Beastlord's contingent. As a whole I am enjoy the Age of Sigmar army build experience because I don't have to worry about any of the constraints of the Warhammer Fantasy Battles army selection so I can basically pick whatever I want and in the future I want Beastmen!