Tuesday, 31 May 2016

036 - Inside The Silver Tower

I got all excited and bought Warhammer Quest Silver Tower. I haven't had chance to play yet but wanted to do a few photos of what you get in the actual box.
So here is the front. Gorgeous art work with the Stormcast Eternal featuring really prominently.

The box is rammed full of contents. To save a copying a load of text down here is a shot from the back of the box.

I'm a big fan of the amount of miniatures you get and you can download warscrolls to include them in the Age of Sigmar which is a nice touch. You can get them here. My one criticism of the original Warhammer Quest is just using the models in the game as game pieces and not on the tabletop but this is a great solution!

First up are the heroes, the Gaunt Summoner and the Ogroid Thaumaturge . The Ogroid Thaumaturge is a fantastic new addition to the Chaos Grand Alliance and the model is a great sculpt. The heroes have alot of detail and some really nice touches.

The you get two sets of this sprue with the lower level gribblies on it. I'm looking forward to getting some paint on the Grot Scuttlings.

You also get some hero cards a couple of decks of really nice cards and a few different rulebooks.

The board sections look fantastic and they are surprisingly big and thick!

So that's a very quick run-down of the contents of the box. I will do some posts when I either get t play or when I paint some of the models. The quality is the usual high Games Workshop standard and I'm really happy with what I have got with this game. I can't wait to get stuck in!

Monday, 23 May 2016

035 - Winding up the Wolves

So I'm finishing one of my armies. I'm going to stop adding to my 30k Space Wolves. The intention before was to do a massive army but with my Word Bearers and other projects taking my time I decided to finish the models I had assembled and have a completed army.  If I'm honest with myself I won't keep adding models here and there and it would be best just to finish the whole thing rather than disappoint myself in the future.It's around 3000pts which is a decent size and I have quite alot of variety in there so I'm pretty happy with it.
I just finished my last model which was my Praetor which I made from The Betrayal at Calth Chaplain and some bits from the plastic Space Wolves upgrade sprue.

So I have got well into collecting my 30k Space Wolves. The initial plan was to kit bash most of them not only because of the lack of Space Wolves Forge World models at the time but also due to the fact I love modelling. However I didn't want them to look like 40k Space Wolves with a different colour scheme so I'm reigned in the use of the 40k kits. I was initially unconcerned about the "official" Space Wolves models eventually coming out from Forge World figuring when they came out I could either mix them in with the kit bashed models or use them as veterans or a command squad depending on how different in tone and style they are. But when I saw them they seemed completely different and wouldn't fit in with the other guys in the force. I don't feel like I've failed in making a good looking Heresy Space Wolves army but I wanted a cohesive force and mixing my kit bashed models and the new resin just wouldn't sit right with me.
As for the size of my army I intended to do a unit for each slot in the force organisation chart. This would have been a massive sized army and although the intention was to have this project last a couple of years, I feel it has ran it's course. I didn't rush painting and collecting this army and feel like I have a decent looking balanced force.
I will do a full gallery of the army in  the future as I'm quite proud of it. Until then happy gaming!

Thursday, 19 May 2016

034 - Giving the Walking Dead a Kickstart

I broke the habit of a life time and invested in a game that isn't made by Games Workshop!
I put a pledge down on Kickstarter for The Walking Dead: All Out War Minatures game.

In the past I have only done Kickstarters on video games before and to be honest I haven't been impressed. The timetable is rarely adhered to. The quality is not always great. I may have not picked the best projects before but I thought I would take a punt on this project. It's made by Mantic Games, who launch most of their new games via Kickstarter. They are full of ex Games Workshop staff so I feel I am onto a winner already! They have  a proven track record with their previous projects which have all been well received.
The project hit a load of stretch goals which means I will get quite alot of extra miniatures so it feels like I have a bit of a bargain here. It also has this guy!

Being a big fan of The Walking Dead I have read the comic, watched the TV show and played the video game so am a sucker for this. I can't wait!

Sunday, 8 May 2016

033 - Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

Warhammer Quest is back! Whoop!
Games Workshop have dropped a trailer for a game that has been rumoured for a little while now called Warhammer Quest Silver Tower. The trailer is here.
I loved the original Warhammer Quest. It was released in 1995 and had a team of four heroes consisting of a Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf and Wizard fighting against a horde of different creatures in a randomly generated dungeon. The game was one of my favourite that Games Workshop has ever produced and even got some of my teenage friends who weren't into role playing or wargaming throwing some dice.
It also had amazing box art!

Warhammer Quest was also a callback to the Games Workshop and Milton Bradley jointly produced game Heroquest. 
Hopefully this new game will be just as fun as it's predecessors. I can't wait till the 21st of May!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

032 - A Total Rebrand

I was in Waterstones and picked up some Warhammer fiction. I really like the omnibus editions. They are quite cheap and you normally get three novels worth of stories and occasionally some short stories as well. I got the Lords Of Chaos omnibus but noticed something really interesting about the branding. It's not Warhammer and it's not Age Of Sigmar. It's Total War Warhammer!

So I assume the old world is now under a total war brand. I suppose it makes sense as that's where the game is set. Hopefully there will be more stories set in the Old World to come!

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

031 - Hobby Progress Challenge

I did a post in January about my hobby New Year's Resolutions (which is here) and one of them was to join a hobby progress group or concoct my own system. Luckily the Independent Characters Podcast has restarted and continued with it's Hobby Progress Challenge for 2016 which I have joined. Having a couple of Betrayal At Calth boxes helping when picking my army so I went for 30k Word Bearers.
Here is my progress as of April but I am adding to it every month.

The Hobby Progress Challenge consists of ten monthly commitments of at least one in game unit per month. You post a photo of your models at the start of the month and then when you have finished them post a photo of your completed work. This also helps me stay focused as when I have a few different projects as I feel I have to prioritise this slightly due to the monthly deadlines.
I defiantly want to get a nice crisp finish on these models have have them at least tabletop ready. The character models are a months commitment so I can spend a bit more time on them.
It's great to have a goal each month and I am a little ahead on my commitments. This is due to not committing too much and trying to keep the amount manageable. I don't want to make the Word Bearers my only painting activity as that would get boring really quick but I am slowly but surely rattling through the commitments.
It's a fantastic idea and Loopy on the IC forums is doing a great job running the challenge. I already have big plans for next year!