Monday, 31 October 2016

051 - Stormcast Retributors

Next up on the Stormcast conveyor belt are a unit of three Retributors. They are great hulking models with their massive warhammers and bulky armour. I painted the backpack separately then assembled them and weathered the model as a whole.

In matched play they are not a full unit so until I get another two it's not optimising the points. However I will still take them as they are quite cool and are visually quite impressive. I am really enjoying the weathering process and can't wait to crack on with the next models.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

050 - Word Bearers Display Board

This is my display base for my Word Bearers army that I have been doing for the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge 2016. The Independent Characters website is here.
I haven't done anything like this before and I am defiantly going to be more ambitious with the next one I do. However I thought it was good for a first attempt.
Here it is without models (apart from the Predator which is basically scenery itself):

And here it is full of mighty Word Bearers!

I could have done a backboard for it and possibly added more details as it is a little plain at the moment. However this means that when you look at the display it's more about the models than the display board. I can also reuse this board to display other armies in my collection without having to pull off bits of debris. 
I'm quite happy with the finished board and really chuffed that I have got enough points for a gold award on the HPC 2016!

Thursday, 27 October 2016

049 - Istvann Five Salamanders Tank

I really love the Salamanders Legion. They exemplify everything that is good about the Space Marines and are true heroes in the grimdark that is 30k and 40k.
Vulkan is a fantastic Primarch in the fluff and the Forge World model in my opinion is one of the best Primarch models they have done.
I have wanted to do a Salamanders army for a while but can't really fit it in with my other projects. I also had some old Rogue Trader models floating about which need refurbishment that I also didn't have time to do.
I have been doing a Word Bearers army for the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge 2016. The Independent Characters website is here.  I started the army in February and had to do a commitment a month until I have 10 completed commitments. As an extra achievement you can create a themed display board for your army. I wanted to do a Istvann V board to match my bases.
I wanted black sand dunes but I didn't want the board to be featureless. So I took  a battered old Predator tank and started painting it in Salamanders colours. After a hefty amount of weathering I had a suitably battered opponent for my Word Bearers.

The completed model came out quite well. I am just finishing off my display board and hopefully it will all come together. Glory to the Word Bearers!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

048 - Knight Questor

I really like the new Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower boxed game. The models are fantastic and I bought a couple of White Dwarf issues just to get the rules for Age Of Sigmar. I particularly liked the Knight Questor and bought an extra on off Ebay just for my Stormcast army. This may seem a little excessive but I wanted the one in the game to match the box art colour scheme and the one in my army to match the silver and blue theme that I am using.
The story behind this guy is that he is a Knight Questor that has completed his quest and gone on to rejoin his brothers in the Stormhost.
I painted him like the rest of my army and really got stuck in with the weathering on his cloak. I could imagine it dragging through the mud.

To make him stand out a little I put a bit of blood along his sword blade to make him stand out. He is a great model and could be a fun hero to use as the army general in slightly smaller games.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

047 - Muddy Stormcasts

The effect I used for the bases on my new Stormcast Eternals is the Mig Jimenez Heavy Earth Mud. This is an enamel based product so have to use cellulose thinners instead of water to thin them down.

I t was really good fun to slather it all over the bases. I used sponge weathering to add the mud and Typhus Corrosion technical paint to the models.

It's great to make my miniatures look beaten up and more real world than a parade ground finish. I'm really enjoying painting these guys and really look forward to doing more of them.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

046 - Weathering Stormcasts

So on launch day last year I picked up the starter box for Age of Sigmar. I got it home and even posted about it here. However it just sat of the shelf gathering dust. So when Silver Tower came out and I wanted to get on board with that I made myself a promise. I would paint at least one faction completely from the Sigmar starter box before I started Silver Tower.
I decided to go for the Stormcasts as they are new and look amazing. There was a bit of a backlash against them but for me they hit the nail on the head. 
I went for a simple silver and blue colour scheme which kind of matches the Hallowed Knights Stormhost. They fought in the realm of life against the forces Nurgle so I wanted to give them a very dirty weathered appearance. I kept the armour and colour scheme quite clean and simple so the weathering really stands out.

I banged out my first unit in short order and really enjoyed the whole weathering process. It was quite good fun slathering on enamel mud and Thypus Corrosion on the models.
This seems like a fun project and I will have a small force and potentially add other Stormcasts as the whim takes me. For Sigmar!