Friday, 18 November 2016

056 - Minotaurs Test Model

I finished my Minotaur test model which is a metal Space Marine Captain. I was quite happy with the finished paint job and it wasn't too difficult to complete. The bronze went on quite well and I can do the red easily as well.

I think this colour scheme is easy enough for me to complete a whole army with. I am going to do a tactical squad of old plastic marines next just to make sure the colour scheme is okay for a group of miniatures.
Overall I am quite happy with this test and can't wait to make a start on the rest of the army!

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

055 - Maybe Minotaurs?

I love Space Marines in 40k. Well what's not to love about an armour genetically enhanced super warrior? They are such a deeply developed faction with great power and horrendous flaws. As iconic factions go Space Marines are the poster boys of the universe. Stripped of their humanity they are the bulwark against the dark for all of the people of the Imperium.
As you probably know the Space Marines were organised into many different chapters after the events of the Horus Heresy. They all have different character depending on the chapter and are fairly autonomous however some are rigidly adherent to the Codex Astartes than others.
I chose my chapter from an existing one rather than create my own. I saw the Minotaurs in the Badab war books and was bowled over. The High Lords of Terra use them as their personal attack dogs and they put chapters which don't tow the line back unto place. They have the pick of equipment and fight as a whole chapter rather than break off which makes them a little different to normal chapters. The psycho-indoctrination process is more rigorous and this makes them ultra loyal to the High Lords.
So with this background floating around my head I cracked on with my first model. Here is a work in progress picture of the test model.

I wanted to do a test model as the main thing I look for when starting an army is if I like doing a colour scheme and find it fun to paint. I will do this guy and a small squad of plastic marines to see if I can stomach doing fifty or more of these guys.
Hopefully this will turn out well and lead to a whole new army.

Friday, 11 November 2016

054 - The End Of The Stormcast?

Following  a problem with my last unit of Stormcast Eternals that ended up ruining my Prosecutors I have decided I am going to leave my Stormcast army as it is for the time being. The Lord Celestant and the Lord Relictor seem like amazing models but I think they will suffer from the same problems as the Prosecutors did with regards to assembly and me being a clumsy oaf. 
So I have fourteen big Order miniatures painted which is just under 500 points. This will be a large chunk of a decent sized Order Grand Alliance force. 

I will definitely add more Order dudes at some point and tie them in with the bases and colour scheme. I think Flagellants and a Warrior Priest may be a good choice but one of the great things with Age of Sigmar is that the choices are wide open. Did some one say Sylvaneth?

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

053 - Procesutor Pains

I had that really annoying moment when you damage a model so badly it can't be completed. I've been able to repair most of the damage I've done to models with dropping and such but the one I have just destroyed was the Prosecutor Prime from the Age Of Sigmar boxed set.
I have enjoyed assembling the Stormcast models and painting them. However I felt the Prosecutors were too flimsy and had to many details that could snap or chip. Especially those big old wings. They look great but are super delicate. Unfortunately I was rushing the assembly and messed up the gluing of the wings. They are all fused at the back and it's a shame I was unable to fix them.
I will probably turn the other two Prosecutors that went together fine into some scenery. I could do some pretty good statues with them. I don't fancy buying anymore to make a unit of five as I was dreading painting them.

They are great models but just not for me. I think I will stick to ground based units from now on. There are quite a few models in the Order Grand Alliance that I like so I have quite alot of choice to make a great army.

Friday, 4 November 2016

052 - More Liberators

I have completed my second unit of Stormcast Liberators for my starter set of Age of Sigmar, They were pretty good to paint as I like the slightly bigger models with lots of flat armour. The colour scheme really works with the weathering and is relatively simple to do. 

The bases are pretty good as I can add new troops from other Order factions and they will tie in with the rest of the army. I have my eye on some wizards, Elves or possibly even flagellants when I have completed the models from the boxed set. Watch this space!