Thursday, 16 March 2017

064 - New Necromunda?

What's this new game that has been announced? A new Necromunda? Heck no!
Games Workshop's new skirmish game Shadow War: Armageddon has been announced on the Warhammer Community site here.
From the press release it seems to be set in Hive Acheron during the third war for Armageddon. Games Workshop says it is based on the old Necromunda ruleset however it looks very much like Kill Team to me. There seems to be alot of factions and squads you can use as "gangs". 
One of the potential factions is Imperial Guard. Luckily I have a few Cadians that I got off Ebay in a start collecting box.

A few are on sprue and some are assembled but I think I can have a go at a decent squad with bags of personality. 
Games Workshop wants a slice of the skirmish level pie but this new game looks quite cool and I can see myself having a go with it. Even if that means just building a couple of squads and maybe an INQ28 style warband. Either way this could be a small side project that will hopefully break up painting marines all the time!

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

063 - Giving Up At The First Hurdle

A few weeks ago I was really excited about the prospect of a new army with the start of my next generation of  Iron Warriors. I had been buying models for almost six months in preparation for this project. I wanted to come out of the gates strong so I started with I had this guy and got him all painted up nice.

It was all going right. I had a Primarch painted. I had a paint scheme on a test model I was happy with. I had a clear idea of the army composition to aim for.
Then it went wrong.
I started painting my first unit of terminators and I just wasn't feeling it. I fell out of love with the paint scheme. It was quite dull. I played around with it but it didn't do it for me. Also the Legion colour scheme being bare metal didn't give me any opportunities for weathering which I am quite partial to now so it all looked a bit flat. I am not a good enough painter to make a simple paint scheme look exciting. I was stumped.
I also felt the army composition was a bit off. I couldn't have it as vehicle heavy as I would like and it would be a lot of work to represent the extra armour on the vehicles you can get in the Hammer Of Olympia rite of war. I also feel unless Terminators are in a Land Raider or Spartan or deep striking through teleports they are not really viable. This meant that I had to run Perturabo or not have an effective army.
So with a heavy heart I decided to be honest with myself and had to pull the plug. It might seem a bit extreme but I don't want to be halfway through an army be really demotivated and then not want to finish it. I will just end up with a half completed army. This is a problem I have had before and i know that I will drag out the last half the models I want to finish if I finish them at all.  I don't feel I have wasted any time or effort as I have the models that I bought for the army which are not legion specific so can go into my next project and I have a shiny Primarch model which makes a great display piece. I will have a look at various ideas I have kicking around and see what I can do next. I haven't finished with the Legiones Astartes just yet, but I do need a new direction.