I was sadly robbed of all of my hobby momentum for the past couple of months. I haven't wanted to paint or model a great ammount. With 8th edition on the horizion and the ambiguity a whether Horus Heresy was going to follow or not didn't help my motivation at all. I had heard rumours of how the armies would work and few previews of the force orginasation charts but nothing concrete.
All this meant I got very little done!
I don't paint miniatures to game with but I love the fact I can collect an actual army that functions on the tabletop albeit not an optimised one. So all the half rumours flying around didn't help so the motivation dried up.
When 8th edition came out I was back on track. I like the new minis and feel like I have an actual chance to learn the rules for this edition. The army selection is brilliant as I can choose what I want from a faction keyword and add it to my force. These keywords along with the new force organisation charts means I have a massive amount of freedom. For example I can stick some Kastellan robots and a single squad of Imperial Guard into my Astartes army and it is still a battle forged army. There is not the taboo that unbound had in 7th edition and the index books make it much asier to pick and choose units.
So I have a few projects on the go which i will share (lucky you).
1. The Death Guard.
Back in the early 90s I had a Chaos army which was devoted to Nurgle and have always had a soft spot for it. Seeing the Dark Imperium box I thought I would take the plunge and get a new army. Luckily I have alot of Daemons and Chaos Marines I could use. I also have got loads of mkiii armour which I have picked up from Ebay so this will be the basis of the line troops. The back packs don't do it for me but I have got quite alot of Chaos back packs which fit Nicely on the models.
I love the painting style of my Death Guard. It's not Blanchitsu but it is my approximation of it. I am having real fun with a range of washes over plain base coats. It's a slightly dingy style that fits in with the Grimdark of 40k.
2. The Imperial Fists
I wanted to collect another 30k force but I wanted it to be one of the defenders of Terra during the siege. I wasn't quite sure which army to get then the inspiration hit me. I love Dreadnoughts and I loved the tenacity of the Imperial Fists so I would build a "Fury of the Ancients" list. I went for one of the alternative colour schemes for the Imperial Fists and I really like just painting up one slight;y larger unit at a time.
I love idea of the Blackshields in the Horus Heresy. Also they are space pirates.
I have alot of different parts of Space Marines from a great many projects and a Word Bearers army they I am never really going to use so I decided to make a new army out of it! Episode 14 of the Overlords podcasts was a great help to me as it is about creating a Heresy army relatively cheaply and from disparate bits which was perfect for my force. You can find it here.
I have done a few different conversions and cant wait to really get stuck in with these guys!
I have an eye on doing some models set in the period of the Unification Wars. I like the idea of techo-barbarians tearing around pre-unification Terra. But this will be a slow burner and I may well just do a small warband.
I am excited about the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000 or as Games Workshop call it the New Warhammer 40,000. I have never played my copy of 7th edition because in all honesty it was too complicated. I much preferred the Horus Heresy for collecting so 40k has taken a backfoot really.
Now the new edition is out I have decided to get the boxed set and create an army out of the Death Guard models inside.
So the hiatus is over and I am definitely back on the hobby horse!