Monday, 24 August 2015

003 - Beakies!

Like most older players and collectors I have alot of love for the humble mk6 power armour more commonly known as "Beakie" armour due to the pointed nose cone. Before I got my RTB01 models I bought some Forgeworld mk6 armour on a whim at the 2014 Warhammerfest in Coventry.
I wanted some of these models for my Iron warriors. The chaos legions don't have much as its more of a latter-era loyalist Horus Heresy mark of armour. However fluff wise I would say these were looted sets of armour that were taken from dead enemies or even renegade marines recruited by the Iron Warriors.
I used bolters from the Chaos Space Marine kit that i had spare to tie them in with the rest of the force. The rest of the army is more utilitarian looking than the more  flamboyant chaos looking legions (I'm looking at you Emperor's Children) so they fit in quite well.

The resin models had to be washed in soapy water before I used them but were very easy to put together. The models were fantastic and were well worth the extra money over a standard Games Workshop kit.
Putting slightly different marks of armour in an army can really breath life into the look and fluffy background into your force.

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