I have a confession to make. I'm one of those guys that spends his spare time on his phone, scouring Ebay for models. My search history is filled with terms such as "Metal Space Marine" "Retro Warhammer" and "Rogue Trader Job Lot". I love collecting models from the 1980s and early 90s.
So why collect old bits of lead? If I'm quite honest it's mainly nostalgia. The models may be goofy but have a certain charm. These are the models that I remember seeing in White Dwarf back in the early 90s and wishing I could own. However being twelve I only had a certain amount of funds.
They definitely have a an aesthetic about them. The designers seemed to have a distinct style as well which ran through all their designs. I find them a little easier to paint as they are not at poseable as the current plastic kits and the details are not as minute..
There is a big "Oldhammer" movement at the moment which is mainly about playing the older versions of 40k and Warhammer. I quite like the idea of playing Necromunda again as I have found the rulebook at the back of my cupboard!
I find that collecting the older models is a labour of love which can happily run along side my collections of the current 40k and Horus Hersey models. They do look great as a themed force of older models painted in the current grittier style. Just be patient and grab some Ebay bargains and you can have a decent sized collection in no time!
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