Monday, 7 December 2015

018 - Daemons In A Day

I've said it before and I'll say it again I am a really slow painter. I've been getting better and have been cracking though my Space Wolves at a decent pace. However I needed a little pallet cleanser.
I have quite a few metal Nurgle Daemons from the late 80s and early 90s. This was due to a combination of Ebay purchases and old models that I found in a box that I didn't open for a good 15 years. These guys were sitting on a shelf in the hobby room waiting to be painted as a Nurgle allies contingent for my Iron Warriors.
However I kind of knew that I would never get them painted. There was far too much power armour in the painting queue. I needed an easy method to get them done, Luckily I spoke to the manager of the local Games Workshop and he showed me a method of how he painted his Spirit Hosts for his Undead Warhammer army using Nilhiakh Oxide. Thus the idea for my Nurgle Daemons was born!

The method to painting these guys was very simple. Firstly I undercoated them white.

Then gave it a liberal wash of Nilhiakh Oxide.

Then a drybrush of white and based them to match the rest of my armies.

And they are done! 

These models are very different to the look of my other models but the basing is the same as my Iron Warriors and my Age of Sigmar Chaos army so they can slot into either. I like the idea of ghostly Daemons materialising from the warp in the middle of the battlefield.
I was very happy with how they turned out and I was very chuffed with completing a unit of twelve within a day. Normally it takes me a week to do five models!
Now I have had an easy win it's back to painting Space Wolves!

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