Tuesday, 14 February 2017

063 - Iron warriors Mk2

This hobby of ours has many different facets. Some folk are in it to play the games where some like the modelling and painting sides and some believe it or not even like both. I always loved building models however I found painting them more of a chore than anything so I never really got a whole army painted before.
Getting back into the Warhammer hobby has been brilliant and as a fully grown human I can concentrate and push through slightly boring tasks to achieve a good end result. So now I have three fully painted decent sized armies on my shelf and well a quite alot of other smaller forces and individual models.
My first army when I got back into the hobby was the Iron Warriors. The main itch that I wanted to scratch when starting the project was getting an army painted. I used Army Painter products and kind of rushed it out. The painting standard was quite poor but you could charitably call it tabletop standard.
I then did the 30k Space Wolves which were better painted and I feel that I improved again with my Word Bearers.
So now the idea is to go back and redo my Iron Warriors and do a decent paint job on them. I had alot of Heresy marks of armour from the Calth and Prospero boxes so It will be a 30k force. Heresy is really scratching my hobby itch at the moment. I have bought Perturabo and want to have an army worthy of their Primarch. I did a post about him here. The old army was okay but now I want to do much better. I saw a really well painted Iron Warriors army in my local Games Workshop which was a bit of an inspiration for me.
My first test model was a Master of Signals. He is based on Ennox Sorrlock but I gave him an Iron Warriors feel.

There will be definitely be some Dreadnoughts as well because I love Contemptors. I have bought up a load of Terminators and intend to have this as a real elite force. I built my first half of a squad. They were really easy to put together and I can't wait to get some paint on them

So I am going to add models in as I take a like to them as I feel this is the best way to motivate myself to paint my models. I am so excited about this army as I feel I can get a really nice force. There is alot to do but I can take my time and get some really good results.

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