Thursday, 8 October 2015

009 - Ebay Tips

I have been buying alot of models from sellers on Ebay and wanted to share a few of my tips that I have picked up along the way. This is no means an exhaustive list of the best strategies that can be used they are just a few pointers I have picked up along the way.

First and foremost be patient! Unless you have a tournament coming up or another deadline of sorts you don't need that model. So if you don't get the item you want for the price you think is appropriate don't get sucked into a bidding war and if you don't get what you want remember it will always come back around.Even that limited run Skulls Mechanicus model will come back on sooner or later.

Be realistic with what price you can get. Chances are you won't get a Land Raider for £1 but you can get a significant saving. Don't be disappointed that you got out bid on an army when you only bid £5 for eighty models. I find the best way to not overpay is to put down what you think is worth for the model as your first bid and then not check it till the auction is over. This is stop you getting into a bidding war and paying more than you wanted to.

Don't be afraid to get older sculpts. Although they might be metal and a little smaller then current kits some of the older sculpts are perfectly good. Some of the older styles are a little dated but some definitely hold up to today's standard of production.

Instead of going for individual models, job lots are often model for model alot cheaper. You might spend a little more but you can get a whole lot back and if you are clever  selling some of the models you don't want can recoup some of if not all of the initial outlay.

Be clever about when you buy. Get in early for auctions. Use the filters on the searches to narrow down what you want. Put in misspellings on certain models to find cheaper auctions. There are so many different standard tactic to use you can use a little nous and save alot of money on you purchases.
Until next time!

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