Tuesday, 27 October 2015

013 - Why I Want To 30K

I've been sniffing around the possibility of starting a 30k force for quite a while. I really like the aesthetic of the older marks of armour and equipment. I think I could get a really good looking force which is very different to the hordes of 40k Space Marines that are about.
The fluff is second to none. I keep up to date with the novels and they have really fleshed out a part of the lore which was very important but had very little content. The story is really progressing for what started out as a side project to become the main focus of both the Black Library and the Forgeworld studio.
I also think the cost isn't prohibitive either. This may sound like a bold statement to make but I am not going to be buying a whole army at once. I'll be getting one unit at a time and really focus on that unit until it's finished and then order another. I will also use plastic kits where I feel it's appropriate for example I prefer the plastic Land Raiders to the Forgeworld Land Raiders.
I'm not a very fast painter (or  too good if I'm honest) but I I don't think I'm getting any better dry brushing Iron Warriors.
I recently did a Deamon Prince and it was one of the best painting experiences I have ever had. I got to sit down and get stuck in on making one model look as good as I could make it. So I feel that with the slightly better quality of the Forgeworld models I could have a good go at having a fantastic looking force.
So to conclude I have talked myself into starting 30k and I can't wait.

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